The DREAMERS Scholarship Fund
"Dreamers Scholarship Fund" is a student driven scholarship fund drive initiated by our school's DREAM. With the money the students fund raise they give out scholarships to students going to college who may not be eligible for any form of financial aid and have to pay college tuition out of pocket.
The Flushing International High School DREAM TEAM's Mission:
"We are documented and undocumented immigrant students, and leaders of diverse backgrounds. We create a safe place for undocumented students to have a voice, and we support the Dream Act. We educate and inform our community about issues impacting immigrants. We stop discrimination, inequality and create community awareness through campaigns, outreach and by forming partnerships."
For more information and to contribute to the fund, please contact Tania Romero at tromero@flushinginternational.org
Innovative Science Programs in Mr Wolf's Classroom
How do you learn science in a foreign language? My students, all of whom are recent immigrants, have the dual challenge of learning English at the same time they learn what they need to graduate high school. In my science class, I give them experiences they need to talk about - insects that won't behave, plants that grow without soil, Neanderthal skulls, and DNA from fish at the supermarket or even DNA from themselves. They ask questions, and we find out though experimenting together. In short, we DO science everyday, learning and practicing the language as we go. Please help keep our ambitions for a great education and a better life in America going with your support!
For more information about our ongoing programs and to donate, please click the button below:
​We are a nonprofit organization made up of students and teachers who volunteer their time to help disadvantaged and undocumented students have the chance to attend college. All money donated to the Brighter Future Scholarship will be for the recipients of the scholarship awards. To donate click the button below to access the donation page, created in conjunction with our partners at the North Star Fund. All donations are tax deductible, and you will automatically receive an email confirmation upon completion of donation.
For more information, please visit our site or click the button below to donate.